
I had the opportunity to speak at RailsConf 2011 about OmniAuth, outlining some of the reasoning behind it as well as some current and upcoming features of Intridea’s own “authenticate with anything” middleware. While the session wasn’t video recorded, a little trick I’ve picked up is to run a screencasting program in the background while I present to generate a “poor man’s Confreaks” version of the talk. Well, that’s exactly what I’ve done for OmniAuth: From the Ground Up!

I’m also embedding the slides below for a “click-through” tour of the talk, but there were a few livecoding sections that are only represented in the video form.

I had a great time at my fourth RailsConf and I hope those who had a chance to attend enjoyed my talk. I also want to say thanks to all of OmniAuth’s contributors, they’ve given me the ability to really ratchet up the awesome on the library and I couldn’t have done it without them.

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Michael Bleigh



Michael Bleigh

Firebase engineer, web platform diehard

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